Why did Sakura lie to Naruto during her confession? Explained

Posted by Trudie Dory on Thursday, June 6, 2024

Everyone is aware of Naruto's feelings for Sakura when they were young. The protagonist was head over heels for Sakura, but she loved Sasuke from the beginning. There have been numerous situations in which the protagonist attempted to express his love for her, but she constantly rejected his advances.

However, one episode in the series shocked not only the characters present in the scene but also the entire fanbase. Sakura confessed her love to Naruto despite loving Sasuke for all these years. Naturally, the fanbase was too stunned to react, but there is a reason behind her actions.

Let's look at why Sakura confessed her love to him, despite liking Sasuke since she met him at the academy.

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Why did Sakura confess her love to Naruto in the series?

These events occurred in episode 206 of Naruto Shippuden, titled "Sakura's Feelings". In this episode, Sakura decided to confess her love to the protagonist, shocking Kiba, and Yamato, who were bystanders in this situation.

She said that she had grown to love him and that Sasuke was a criminal who proceeded to join one of the biggest criminal syndicates in the shinobi world, the Akatsuki.

However, Naruto did not react positively and recalled certain events just as she finished talking to him. He remembered when Sakura longed for Sasuke's love and when Sakura's eyes were filled with tears as she asked Naruto to bring Sasuke back to the village.

He also recalled when Sakura cried because she thought Sasuke was no more. At this point, the protagonist realized that she was lying and expressed his frustration towards her for lying.

Despite his warning, Sakura attempted to lie again to convince the protagonist that she liked him. But he didn't buy any of what Sakura had said, and he told her how he hated people who lied to others and themselves. Sakura said he no longer needed to honor the promise to bring Sasuke back.

Naruto was close to informing Sakura about Itachi's actions and why Sasuke fled from Konohagakure. But Kakashi intervened, and the protagonist said it was his wish to bring him back.

Sakura lied because she wanted to stop Naruto from risking his life to bring Sasuke back. She thought he was bringing Sasuke back for her sake and because of the promise he made when Sasuke had just left the village. She knew the risk was far too high since he was a Nine-Tailed Beast jinchuriki the Akatsuki was targeting.

She knew about Naruto's feelings towards her, which is why she assumed that confessing her love to him would have stopped him from pursuing Sasuke any further. It was a mixture of guilt and concern that led to the false confession.

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