Paleo Pines Dino Skills Listed and Explained

Posted by Trudie Dory on Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Are you interested in learning about all dino skills in Paleo Pines? Here is a full list of all skills and an explanation of what each of them does.

There are 10 unique skills in the game and they are evenly split between exploration and farming skills. Each dinosaur has two skills, one exploration and one farming skill.

In this guide, I will list all the dino skills in Paleo Pines to help you collect them all and increase your efficiency on your farm and while exploring.

If you’re more interested in specific dinosaurs, check out our Compsognathus guide in Palio Pines with everything you need to know about this dino.

All Dino Skills in Paleo Pines

Dino skills are categorized into exploration and farming skills in Paleo Pines. Exploration skills focus on exploration benefits and allow you to access new areas while farming skills allow you to expand your farm and increase efficiency.

There are five exploration skills and five farming skills in total. Let’s examine them in turn.

Exploration Skills

Exploration skills make it easier to unlock all of your farm, as well as new areas. Here are all of them:

  • Slasher: Allows you to slash through vines and tall plants. You can find such plants in your ranch and in biomes like Dapplewood.
  • Smasher: Allows you to smash large boulders and rocks. Through this skill, you’ll unlock more space on your farm as well as unlock areas like Dapplewood and Veridian Valley.
  • Discoverer: The dinosaur gives an alert by starting to sparkle when you’re near a Dreamstone. This will make it easier to recruit more dinosaurs overall.
  • Sprinter: Allows you to traverse the map faster while also reducing stamina consumed. This is a simple but extremely useful skill that is essential for exploration.
  • Stomper: Allows you to stomp and destroy large logs. Such logs are commonly found both around your farm and on Dapplewood.

Each skill on this list will help you unlock new areas and access new dinosaurs and items in Paleo Pines so make sure to have at least one dinosaur with each skill.

Farming Skills

Farming skills allow you to perform actions related to your crops much faster and without spending any stamina. While they aren’t essential, they do save you a lot of time and make farming much easier.

Here are all the farming skills in Paleo Pines:

  • Clearer: Allows you to remove debris and obstacles from your farm to open up more space. This is only useful for clearing trash from your farm and will be useless once everything is clear.
  • Tiller: Allows you to till the soil on your farm. This is the first step to planting crops and will save you a lot of stamina.
  • Tender: Allows you to plant seeds. However, this skill only becomes available after the second season, when you meet Avery and complete a quest in the Pebble Plaza.
  • Waterer: Allows you to water seeds. This is extremely helpful as it waters multiple plants at once and will make it easier to maintain larger farms.
  • Harvester: Allows you to harvest crops that are fully grown. While it’s less helpful than the other skills as you only need it once every few days, it still saves you time so it’s a helpful addition..

As you can see, all five skills are helpful if you want to increase the efficiency of your farm and save your stamina for other tasks.

If you’re looking to find dinosaurs with these skills, check out our list of all dinosaur locations in Paleo Pines.

Wrapping up

To sum up, these are all the dino skills in Paleo Pines, as well as what they do and how to use them. With each dinosaur having one farming and one exploration skill, it’s fairly easy to get all of them early in the game.

Which skills did you get first? Which one do you think is the most helpful? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more similar content, consider also checking out our Dandelion location guide in Paleo Pines.

Harry Harry has been a fan of video games from a very young age and writing allows him to share that passion with others. His favorite genres include MMORPGs, survival, and FPS.

He has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, which allows him to always come up with a fresh approach to solving in-game puzzles and challenges, but also to create content that’s to the point, clean and easy to follow.


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