Bepo gets an MVP moment as Garp teaches his former protg a lessononHachinosu

Posted by Valentine Belue on Thursday, May 23, 2024

One Piece Chapter 1081’s unofficial scanlations were released on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, bringing with them some simultaneously exciting and unfortunate developments. Furthermore, assuming official translations corroborate such info, it seems that fans will also get more information on the Rocky Port Incident in this upcoming chapter.

In any case, One Piece Chapter 1081 is an excellent installment that leaves fans feeling satisfied ahead of Weekly Shonen Jump’s publication break next week. In fact, the break week makes these latest developments all the more exciting, adding further intrigue to how the situation at Egghead Island will eventually play out.

Follow along as this article fully breaks down One Piece Chapter 1081’s scanlations in their entirety.

One Piece Chapter 1081 gives fans exciting conclusions, subtle loredumps ahead of an unfortunate one-week break

One Piece Chapter 1081: Teacher vs. Student

One Piece Chapter 1081 begins with a focus on Hachinosu Island, picking up immediately where the previous issue ended. Garp’s Galaxy Impact attack can still be seen going off, yet again sporting the trademark black lightning bolts of Advanced Conqueror’s Haki. These same bolts can be seen on Garp’s fist in subsequent panels, further suggesting his possession of the technique.

Prince Grus uses his Glorp-Glorp Fruit to create a landing cushion for Garp’s ship, which safely comes to a halt once hitting the ground. Garp calls the level of destruction, he just showed a letdown, saying he’s lost his touch as Koby calls out to him. Prince Grus and Kujaku comment on Koby and Garp’s relationship while everyone else on Garp’s ship calls out to him.

One Piece Chapter 1081 sees Hibari remind Koby that he’s not safe yet before getting frozen solid by an unknown assailant. Unsurprisingly, this is then revealed to be Kuzan, the former Admiral Aokiji, who the pirates present begin cheering on. Garp looks at Aokiji with a grim expression, as the former Marine Admiral comments on how bad it would be for Koby to escape while Blackbeard is away.

A flashback then begins, taking viewers to a “certain island in the New World” roughly one year after Akainu and Aokiji’s battle for the Fleet Admiral position. The Blackbeard Pirates enter a bar where Kuzan is, with Blackbeard asking him why he froze his men. Seen frozen is San Juan Wolf, Doc Q, and Doc’s horse Stronger. Several other cannon-fodder pirates are also seen frozen.

One Piece Chapter 1081 sees Kuzan warn Blackbeard not to use his Quake-Quake Fruit since it’ll shatter his frozen friends. He adds that Blackbeard should know his men well enough to know that Kuzan didn’t start the fight. He also adds that he’s pretty heartbroken over the duel with Akainu, insinuating that Blackbeard is to blame for said events.

The next page shows San Juan Wolf and co unfrozen, with Blackbeard and Akainu laughing as they drink. The entire crew is seen drinking with Kuzan, while he discusses his duel with Akainu and the injuries he got from it. Catarina Devon then mentions the “man marked by flames,” asking if Kuzan is likely to have any information on him.

One Piece Chapter 1081 sees Kuzan ask what they mean, prompting Burgess to explain the Road Poneglyphs and how Big Mom and Kaido each have one. Blackbeard adds that there are two whose locations are unknown, with one of these obviously being the Road Poneglyph in Zou’s Whale Forest. More specifically, it’s found in the whale-shaped tree in the forest itself.

Blackbeard then shares the rumor that the fourth and final Road Poneglyph belongs to the “man marked by flames,” prompting Kuzan to make a joke about how he could be the man. Laffitte laughs before elaborating that it’s said he can be found on a “pitch black ship,” and that anyone who sails near is swallowed up by whirlpools. Laffitte also suggests that the man may have Devil Fruit power.

One Piece Chapter 1081 sees Shiryu assert that the man is with the World Government, since their keeping one would be a definitive way of blocking off the One Piece from being found. Kuzan answers that Poneglyphs only hold bitter memories for him, explaining he has no knowledge of it while recounting his tragic past.

Laffitte as seen in the series' anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Laffitte, meanwhile, asks Blackbeard if he wants to steal Kuzan’s power for themselves. However, Kuzan hears this, beginning to say some fighting words, and preparing to fight himself. However, Blackbeard apologizes for Laffitte before asking Kuzan to join his crew, since he’s currently out of a job with no prospects anyway.

One Piece Chapter 1081 sees Kuzan initially refuse, but is seemingly convinced when Blackbeard brings up the fact that each pirate has their own private agendas, and so can he. The flashback ends as Blackbeard asks Kuzan what he wants to do, returning readers to the present where Kuzan is face-to-face with Garp.

Garp calls out to Kuzan, demanding once more that he unfreeze Hibari and let them leave with Koby. He adds that he should get back into his Admiral uniform, prompting Kuzan to respond that he’s always loved how Garp does what he wants. He adds that this is why he’s going to live life on his own terms and not do any of those things. Kuzan is also formally introduced here as the 10th Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates.

One Piece Chapter 1081: Unfortunate ends to ongoing fights

One Piece Chapter 1081 sees Kuzan use the Ice Ball, which traps Garp in a thick sphere of ice. Kuzan teases Garp, asking him if he can kill his number one protégé in order to save his current favorite student. Garp responds that Kuzan can’t stop him with a simple ice wall, adding that he thought he taught Kuzan to live in the now.

Garp then rushes at Kuzan, grabbing his face while telling him that only the weak lose their way in life. Seemingly using Advanced Conqueror’s Haki, he then takes Kuzan’s body and smashes it into the ground, with the attack being called Blue Hole. This opens up a fissure in the ground which Kuzan falls into, seemingly creating an intermission for their fight if not cementing Garp’s victory.

One Piece Chapter 1081 then shifts perspectives to Winner Island in the New World, where Blackbeard has defeated Law, albeit with some clear injuries of his own. The Polar Tang, the submarine ship of the Heart Pirates, is shown to be in pieces and sinking to the seafloor along with several members of the crew.

Blackbeard gloats about how they can’t even call themselves pirates without a ship, let alone escape. Bepo and Law are shown to be laying seemingly unconscious, clearly injured themselves. Blackbeard then says that the owners of the one hundred hearts Law stole at Rocky Port will be thrilled to be brought Law’s own heart. This is also new information on the Rocky Port Incident, seemingly recontextualizing what fans previously knew.

Bepo, meanwhile, remembers a conversation he had with Tony Tony Chopper about something the Straw Hat Doctor made for him. Bepo then eats something while teaching questions if they should sell or use the Fruit, suggesting that he may have Law perform the Perpetual Youth Surgery. One Piece Chapter 1081 then sees Bepo transform into his Sulong form, attacking Blackbeard and Van Augur and launching them away from Law.

The Blackbeard Pirates are momentarily taken aback, giving Bepo the opportunity to escape with Law into the sea. While Law comments on how they can’t leave their crew behind and Bepo convinces him to trust them, the narrator announces that the Heart Pirates “were soundly defeated” on this day.

One Piece Chapter 1081: In summation

One Piece Chapter 1081 is an incredibly exciting chapter overall, despite the unfortunate confirmation of Law’s loss to Blackbeard within. At the very least, this comes with a silver lining thanks to Bepo’s actions, which have saved not only Law’s life but the Op-Op Fruit from coming into Blackbeard’s possession.

One Piece Chapter 1081 also excitingly confirms Kuzan as Garp’s previous student, also giving fans an incredibly exciting fight between the two which has seemingly only just begun. Even if the fight is already unfortunately over, it’s nonetheless a memorable sequence that fans will undoubtedly appreciate and praise.

Follow along for more One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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